Getting translations


I’d like to have German translations with my Mailpile. I know but the way described there does not work for me. The error message is

rm -rf shared-data/locale/?? shared-data/locale/??_*
tx pull -a -f --minimum-perc=75
tx INFO: New translations found for the following languages:pl, sq, de, nb_NO, es_ES, pt_PT, fr
tx INFO: Pulling new translations for resource mailpile.mailpilepot (source: shared-data/locale/mailpile.pot)
tx WARNING:  -> pl: shared-data/locale/pl/LC_MESSAGES/mailpile.po
tx ERROR: Forbidden
tx ERROR: 
Error: Authentication failed. Please make sure your credentials are valid.
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make: *** [Makefile:222: transifex] Error 1

Can it be that I not only need a Transifex account but also a team membership for Mailpile on Transifex?


If anybody has the German po file(s), please contact me. Thank you!